Terms & Conditions

Life Changing Apps

Terms Introduction

These Terms and Conditions for the Use of Reitiscapital.com website reflect the way Services offered by the Reitis Capital and authorise the legal relations between the registered Users of the Platform and Services provided by the Reitis Capital, arising from the usage of Reitiscapital.com website.

  1. Acceptance of Terms of Use

1.1 By using this website (“Platform”); registering for a Reitiscapital.com account (“Account”); or using any other services, products, data, content or other material available through the Site (“Services”) and provided by Reitis Capital (“we”, “us”, “our”), you (“you, your, or yourself”) agree to accept and comply with the terms and conditions of use stated below (“Terms and Conditions” or “Terms of Use” or “Terms”). You should read the entire Terms and Conditions carefully before using this Site or any of the Services.

  1. About Reitis Capital Ltd and the Services

2.1. Reitis Capital Ltd was incorporated in UK and its registered office at Office 4, 219 Kensington, London, UK.

2.2. Services provided by the Platform:

2.2.1. The Reitiscapital.com website offers its Users the opportunity to invest in premium real estate projects developed by the Reitis Capital Group of Companies. The investment in the form of a secured loan or NFTs generates a variable annual interest of 7-25%.

2.2.2. Registered User can keep the investment in fiat currency or convert the investment into a digital asset (token). With the Reitis tokens created using an in-house Reitis Ledger technology, we offer total transparency on the invested capital and high liquidity to real estate investment.

2.2.3. Through the digitalisation of Reitis Capital’s actual construction and real estate development business, we have designed unique products (tools) for global investors, except those where security tokens are banned or restricted. As a result, we offer Fractional Property Ownership (FPO) and Passive Income Investment Plan (PIIP) to all crowd (non-accredited) and accredited investors.

2.2.4. The Platform’s Users can also become Customers and buy, at promotional prices, premium apartments built by the Company.

  1. Use of Reitiscapital.com website

3.1. To use the services offered by Reitiscapital.com website, it is necessary to register as a Platform User following these Terms and Conditions.

3.2. Once registered, the User accepts the following:

3.2.1. Only use the Platform under these Terms and Conditions;

3.2.2. The User must be responsible for securing his computer and assets;

3.2.3. The User must provide Reitiscapital.com website with accurate information and keep it updated;

3.2.4. Do not make unauthorised alterations or introduce any malicious code to the Website or Platform by any means;

3.2.5. Do not disguise or interfere in any way with the IP address of the computer the User accesses the website or otherwise prevent us from correctly identifying the actual IP address of the computer the User is using whilst accessing the Website and Platform;

3.2.6. Do not use the Platform for any unlawful purpose, including any fraudulent exploit;

3.2.7. Do not use bots, gaming algorithms or other automated methods to access or engage with the Website or Platform;

3.2.8. Do not use the Website or Platform to simulate communications from us or another service or entity to collect identity information, authentication credentials or other information; and,

3.2.9. Do not use the Website or Platform in any manner that disrupts their operation or causes it to fail.

  1. User’s Account

4.1. To use Reitiscapital.com website, a person must register a User account in his/her name. A person applying for registration of a User Account must submit to the Platform Operator all information that the Platform Operator requests. The Platform Operator has the right to refuse to open a User Account.

4.2. By commencing the use of Reitiscapital.com website, the User confirms to have read the Terms and Conditions, understood them, and agreed to them.

4.3. The Platform reserves the right to amend or supplement the Terms and Conditions or lay down additional conditions. These amendments and supplementations shall enter into force from the moment when the User has agreed with the new Terms and Conditions via Reitiscapital.com website.

4.4. Upon registering a User Account, a person enters their contact information and other data required by Reitiscapital.com Service Provider into the respective environment and selects a unique User’s password.

4.5. To enter Reitiscapital.com website, a User is required to enter their username (email) and password.

4.6. To submit contracts/agreements and give approvals that bear legal consequences, the Service Provider may request the verification of the User’s signature via ID card, Mobile-ID, bank link or mobile communication or any other authentication method.

  1. Reitis Capital Clients

5.1. Reitis Capital platform embraces two types of Users:
– The Investor (Investor status), including Reitis Business Associate (RBA) who must become an investor first;
– The Buyer (Customer status).

5.1.1 Investor’s Status
The User has two option to invest with: (a) debt contract, which means he/she receives variable annual interest of 7-25% paid quarterly, through iREIT security token; (b) invests in fractional properties by acquiring NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which can be acquired with xREI utility token and other fiat and crypto currencies.

5.1.2. Customer’s Status
The home buyer (Final User) is the one who buys a property for his use, which he retains for himself or rents. The buyer can purchase properties at a promotional price or, of course, at the actual price displayed when purchasing the property.

5.1.3. Change of Status
A Reitis Capital User can change his status from Investor to Final Customer. Suppose the investor wants to permanently buy a particular property (valid only for buildings intended for sale); in that case, the User changes his status and becomes the final Customer. In this case, his/her initial investment no longer generates interest.

  1. Reitis Wallet – The Digitalization of Real Estate Business

6.1. Any web3.0 non-custodial wallet, such as: MetaMask, Trust Wallet, MyEtherWallet, Exodus Wallet, Best Wallet, and more.

  1. Development Stages and Investment Process

7.1. Reitis Capital Users can invest in one of the four stages of project development. Each stage has its peculiarities and is described below.

7.1.1. First Stage Developments – The Land Acquisition
In this stage, we list lands on which we will construct different buildings, depending on the characteristics of the respective area. If the amount is collected on time, the project moves to the second stage.

7.1.2. Second Stage Developments – Planning & Design
For investing here, Users get not the square meters but the equivalent in tokens of square meters of the planned, designed, and built building on the designated land.

7.1.3. Third Stage Developments – Construction & Renovation
For investing here, Users get the equivalent in tokens of square meters of the building, which is in construction or renovation.

7.1.4. Fourth Stage of Developments – Rent
For investing on the Platform, Users get the equivalent in tokens of square meters of the existing apartment/house for rent.

7.1.5. Reitis Capital reserves the right to sell the properties from the inheritance at any time, at which point it returns the amount invested by the User plus the contractual interest. After the property is sold and the Users receive the invested amount, the guarantee for square meters related to the invested amount has ended. The amount returned to the User can be reinvested in another active project listed on the Reitiscapital.com website.

7.1.6. In the description of the listed projects, you will find the number of the stage in which a specific development project is. From the list of active projects, the User can choose a project to invest in. At the details of the project, the User can select the “invest” button through which he/she will be transferred to a new page for choosing the payment methods and the amount to invest.

7.2. Reitis Capital retains the amounts invested by the Users for two years, during which the real estate projects are developed. Under the law, the investor may assign (transfer) the contract to another person, knowingly and with the consent of Reitis, before the retention period of two years.

  1. Fees and Expenses

8.1. The User shall pay expenses and fees related to using the Reitiscapital.com according to the price list. Fees and costs from the price list will be withheld without additional authorisation from the User.

8.2. Unless stated otherwise in the principal loan terms, the User undertakes to pay the following fees to the Platform Service Provider:

8.2.1. Fees according to the Loan Agreement, the agreement, and other agreements;

8.2.2. All costs related to the conclusion of Loan, mortgage, and pledge agreements (incl. registration of pledges or mortgages);

8.3. Price list (Costs):

8.3.1. Account management fee: 0.00 EUR

8.3.2. Making an investment: 0.00 EUR

8.3.3. Contract fee: 0.00 EUR

8.3.4. Bank transfer: According to the pricing of service provider.

  1. Payments

9.1. Through the Platform, from the personal account, the User can execute transactions. All payment methods available to the Customer are easy to use and have training lessons (text or video).

9.2. The Customer may transfer funds to Reitis Capital OU only from a bank account or an authorised credit or payment institution registered in the Customer’s name. The bank must be registered or operates in a state where measures have been implemented to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. In case a transfer has been made to Reitis Capital from a bank account that does not belong to the respective Customer or does not meet other conditions, Reitis Capital will have the right to transfer the amount back to the person who made the transfer and ask the Customer to reimburse the expenses related to payment (automatically deducting them from the Customer’s account).

9.3. After the transaction is verified by the Platform Operators, and it is found that it corresponds to the terms and conditions, the investment is accepted, and it is registered in the personal account of the User. The process can take up to a few days (1 to 5), depending on the payment method chosen by the Customer.

9.4. The Operator of the My.RetisCapital.com platform will have the right to request documents confirming the conformity of the bank account from which the transfer is made.

9.5. Reitis Capital OU will make payments to the User only in the bank account registered by the User. The Customer has the right to request payments only in the bank account registered in the Customer’s name in a credit or authorised payment institution.

9.6. Reitis Capital has the right to refuse to make a payment to the bank account that does not belong to the User or meet other conditions imposed by these terms and conditions.

9.7. The User shall cover the transfer expenses for the transfers made by the User to the Reitis Capital OU. Costs related to the payments made by the Reitis Capital to the User and other expenses related to the payments made for the execution of transactions and activities by the User shall be reimbursed to the Reitis Capital by the User according to the price list established by the Reitis Capital. Reitis Capital shall have the unilateral right to change the price list by publishing the new price list in Reitiscapital.com website at least 5 (five) working days before its entry into force.

9.8. If the User chooses to convert the investment into tokens or digital assets, Reitis Capital makes payments to Users only according to articles 6.11, 6.12.

  1. General Rights and Obligations of the User

10.1. In addition to other obligations outlined in the Terms and Conditions, the User shall be obliged:

10.1.1. Not to use Reitiscapital.com website for illegal transactions or activities, including fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing or other similar activities;

10.1.2. To use Reitiscapital.com website through web browsers intended for general purposes. It is forbidden to use, including but not limited to, robots, spiders, scrapers and other automatic data entry and processing devices;

10.1.3. To submit only truthful data and information upon registering the User Account. The User shall be liable for the damages caused by the violation of the obligation set forth herein concerning Reitiscapital.com website and other Users. Reitiscapital.com website does not verify the correctness of the information submitted by the Users and shall not take any responsibility for the correctness and truthfulness of the data submitted by the Users;

10.1.4. To safeguard the data and devices necessary for logging in to the User Account of Reitiscapital.com website, including the ID card, respective passwords, User IDs, and authentication devices in a manner that prevents third parties from gaining possession of them. However, if a third party enters Reitiscapital.com website through User Account, any and all provisions arising from the Terms and Conditions shall apply;

10.1.5. To inform Reitiscapital.com website immediately about the risk of unauthorised use of the User Account that may occur;

10.1.6. To inform Reitiscapital.com website as soon as possible of any changes in the data submitted upon opening the User Account.

10.2. In addition to other rights outlined in the Terms and Conditions, a registered User shall have the right to:

10.2.1. Use the functionalities of Reitiscapital.com website if the User complies with the requirements established for using the specific functionality;

10.2.2. Review the User data saved by Reitiscapital.com website, amend such data, and request the Platform to cease processing.

10.3. The User cannot sell the same token asset elsewhere (on an exchange or another person) and, at the same time, to Reitis Capital. This fact is classified as a double-spending attempt and attracts a penalty equal to the amount claimed by the User to multiply by 10 (ten).

  1. Reitis Business Associate

11.1. The Reitis Business Associate (RBA) program is based on recommendation and a minimum amount of €50 on the Platform. To benefit from someone’s recommendation, the User must have a partner code found in the User’s account on the Platform after the User invests in one of the listed active real estate development projects listed on the Platform.

11.2. When someone registers on the Platform with a partner code and makes an investment, the User immediately receives a commission in reward tokens. The amount of reward tokens received by a RBA is as stated in the whitepaper of Reitis.

  1. Collection and Use of Your Data

12.1. Privacy is essential to us. Full details of our Privacy Policy can be found at Privacy Policy on Company’s website. We recommend that you read the Privacy Policy carefully and agree with it to know the data that we collect, how we use the data, and who we share your data.

12.2. A User, who is a private person, has the right to withdraw their consent for processing personal data at any time. The person may request the cessation of processing the personal data, terminate the access to the data and request deletion or closing of the collected personal data. This is possible if the User has no ongoing agreement on the Platform and no valid agreement concluded via the Platform and provided that the legal acts do not oblige the Platform Service Provider to save data. Upon withdrawing the consent to process personal data, the respective User Account shall be closed.

  1. Intellectual Property

13.1. Any and all intellectual property rights to Reitiscapital.com website, including the structure, web design elements, texts and other components of Reitiscapital.com website, and the intellectual property rights related to them (including the intellectual property rights to trademarks, logos, brands, software, databases, news, messages, texts, graphic, musicals and other design) belong to Reitiscapital.com website, unless the rights of another person are referred to with regard to a component, or information has been entered by the Users of Reitiscapital.com website. Users shall not be allowed to change, reproduce, disseminate, process, translate, make extracts from, forward, include in other databases or make public Reitiscapital.com website or any of its contents or components or use it in any other manner that is beyond the intended purposes of Reitiscapital.com website without the prior written consent of Reitiscapital.com website. The Resources published on the User’s dashboard can be used for marketing purposes without written consent.

13.2. The User shall not be allowed to grant sub-licenses for using Reitiscapital.com website or any of its contents or components or create new objects of intellectual property based on them.

13.3. The Users are allowed to publish only such material in Reitiscapital.com website for which they have intellectual property rights to the extent that is necessary for publishing or marketing the respective materials in Reitiscapital.com website. A User shall be fully responsible for the materials posted in Reitiscapital.com website by them.

13.4. With the publishing of any material in Reitiscapital.com website, the User shall give their unconditional and unrestricted consent to Reitiscapital.com website to store, disseminate and publish such material by the Terms and Conditions and to change or process in any other manner to the extent that is necessary for the intended use of Reitiscapital.com website.

  1. Liability

14.1. Among others, Reitiscapital.com website is not liable for:

14.1.1. The scope, content, suitability and enforceability of contracts and other legal documents used in the Platform, including those used for the carrying out of transactions through Reitiscapital.com website.

14.1.2. Any bugs or disruptions that occur in Reitiscapital.com website or amendments made in Reitiscapital.com website or the consequences of termination of the operation of Reitiscapital.com website.

14.1.3. Any circumstances that derive from or depend on the identity of a User.

14.1.4. Any non-patrimonial damages, loss of profit or other indirect losses, or other damages caused by its conduct other than intentional misconduct.

14.2. Reitiscapital.com website shall not be liable to other Users or third parties if a User violates an obligation outlined in the Terms and Conditions; any additional agreement concluded with Reitiscapital.com website, legal act or contract concluded between Users.

14.3. If a User causes damages to Reitiscapital.com website by violating any of the obligations, the User shall be obliged to fully compensate the respective damages to Reitiscapital.com website at the first request.

14.4. Reitiscapital.com website shall not be liable for the damages that were caused to a User or third parties in relation to the fact that Reitiscapital.com website used their legal remedies (e.g. removed information from Reitiscapital.com website or limited access to it, limited or restricted User’s access to their User Account or Reitiscapital.com website).

14.5. Reitiscapital.com website shall not be liable for the temporary interruption in the access to Reitiscapital.com website or its functionality.

14.6. Reitiscapital.com website shall be liable only for the direct patrimonial damages to the User caused by violation of the obligations of Reitiscapital.com website due to gross negligence or intent. Other injuries or loss of profit shall not be subject to compensation.

  1. Duration of Use of the Platform and Termination of Use

15.1. User Accounts in Reitiscapital.com website are opened without term. If a User has no Loan Agreement or any other valid agreements concluded via Reitiscapital.com website and User no longer wish to use Reitiscapital.com website, User can close the account without advance notice.

15.2. Reitiscapital.com website shall have the right to limit or cancel a User’s right to use Reitiscapital.com website and close a User Account, as well as to terminate an agreement concluded with a User at any time without advance notice if it appears that:

15.2.1. The User violates or has violated the Terms and Conditions or any other User obligations;

15.2.2. The User does not accept new Terms and Conditions upon first logging into Reitiscapital.com website after the new Terms and Conditions have been made available in Reitiscapital.com website;

15.2.3. The User has submitted to Reitiscapital.com website or other Users data and information that is incorrect, misleading, and inaccurate;

15.2.4. Upon using Reitiscapital.com website, the User behaves in bad faith, without dignity, illegally or in contradiction with the moral standards recognised in the society;

15.2.5. The User has not provided to Reitiscapital.com website the information that Reitiscapital.com website requires to identify User to carry out anti-money laundering and know-your-customer policies and procedures of Reitiscapital.com website and as required by law and within the deadlines stipulated by Reitiscapital.com website;

15.2.6. Reitiscapital.com website suspects money laundering, terrorism financing, or an attempt to do so, with the involvement of the User or the User Account;

15.2.7. The User is a person who is subject to international or national sanctions or is an affiliate of such person;

15.2.8. The User spreads false, misleading or offensive information about Reitis to the public or for other actions or omissions of the User that harm other users’ interests Reitiscapital.com website.

15.3. The Platform Service Provider may make changes in the Platform, including expanding, changing, or removing its functions, at its discretion at any time without asking permission of the Users or giving prior notice to the Users, and may terminate the operation of the Platform at its discretion at any time.

  1. Sending Notices

16.1. Any notice under this agreement shall be in writing or by email.

16.2. The notices sent to the User’s email box shall be considered as received within 24 hours of email sending.

  1. Other Conditions

17.1. Legislation of the Republic of Estonia (where the Company is registered) or Romania (where the Company operates) shall apply to Reitiscapital.com website in issues not regulated in the Terms and Conditions. If an article of the Terms and Conditions proves to be void due to contradicting the law, it shall not influence the validity of other articles.

17.2. Disagreements and disputes arising from the fulfilment of the Terms and Conditions shall be settled by the parties primarily through negotiations. If resolving disagreements through negotiations is impossible, the dispute shall be settled in the general court. If the User is a legal entity or a private person operating in its economic or professional activities, or a person who after commencing the use of Reitiscapital.com website has settled in a foreign state or whose place of business, residence or location at the time of filing an action is unknown, the competent institution for settling the dispute shall be only Estonia or Romania Court, where the companies involved have their headquarters and place of operation.
– Last updated on 16-th of October, 2023.

For more information, contact us or subscribe to Reitis Telegram Channel and/or Reitis Youtube Channel.