Reitis Rental and Hospitality Services On-chain AirBNB like!


Reitis Rental Services

Reitis rental and hospitality services on blockchain
Reitis rental is an online blockchain-based marketplace that connects people who rent out their property (HOSTS) with people who look for accommodations (GUESTS).
Reitis rental platform is matching local people with a spare room or entire home, renovate them, and rent to others who need a place to stay (short time) or live (longer time).
Hosts using the platform get to advertise their rentals, and Reitis handles payments and offer full support. Guests get a place to stay, often at a lower price than hotels charge.
Benefits for investors, hosts, and guests:
― Receive passive monthly rental income;
― Rent rooms or offices in Reitis resorts, hotels, or motels;
― Buy affordable services on the platform.


Hospitality services on blockchain

Easy to access hospitality services on blockchain

Reitis Rental Hospitality Marketplace on Blochchain

Reitis rental hospitality service is an online blockchain-based marketplace that connects people who rent out their property (HOSTS) with people who look for accommodations (GUESTS). Due to blockchain technology, the platform is very secure, fast, and easy to use by both Hosts and Guests. For more benefits join the Telegram Group and our Community!


― Hosts are people who list their spare places on the platform which, if booked, will give hosts rent in exchange of XREI or BTC.
― Hosts can list their property with the facilities they will be providing along with the rent, check-in and check-out time.
– The security of services is high by default, as it is on lockchain.


― Guests are people who book the living space from hosts on rent.
― Guests can set the rent amount range, basic amenities they will need and the number of people.
― Guests can easily book offline with POS or by paying online in XREI or BTC.


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