Reitis Circular Economy Groups – How They Function?

  • September 25, 2023

Reitis Circular Economy Groups
— Biolife (micro bio-farms and bio-homes); token holders can choose to live anywhere in the world, by local involvement or by easy relocation.

Circular Economy (CE) Applied by Reitis

RECoP - Reitis Circular EconomyReitis CE Principles:
— Freedom of living anywhere by easy relocation,
— Protecting environment through circular design of construction materials,
— Careful material selection and use,
— Reduce and eliminate waste as much as possible,
— Use of renewable energy.

Reitis Capital is still in the process of shifting from a linear system to a circular economy system. We started from the beginning by building Class A+ houses and block apartments, with some of the following attributes: decrease thermal energy consumption (up to 70%) by high quality insulation; sound and noise insulation, dust-free suction; heat recovery ventilation; permanent clean air; use of heating alternative/solar energy, etc.


RECoP Reitis CIrcular Economy


Legal Disclaimer
We all know how bureaucracy is. People have to wait months to obtain a needed document or resolve a personal or business issue.

Blockchain technology helps remove some of the roadblocks that slow processes at many public and business agencies. We have applied the technology to our real world business (RWA) and even have created a decentralised finance (DeFi) token that soon will be entirely public.

Blockchain delivers trust to many different processes in business and government. But, even if you will be in total control of your DeFi assets, when it comes to develop local profit or non-profit business projects like creating circular economy groups, you have the responsibility to check all legal aspects of doing business there and taxes that your government imposes on this type of organisation.

Through our token, we have reduced 90% of bureaucracy, but you still have to face the aspects of tax for any local project started. Thank you for understanding this aspect, and proceeding as such!

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